Role of Heart in Goal Setting
Duration: 4 hours
Target Audience: Engineers, product designers, R&D managers, corporate heads
Human heart is tireless motor-pump set that works non stop for about 70 years. It beats, races, aches and loves. It is also an electromagnetic device that generates 5000 times more electricity than the brain. More than 60% of its cells are neurons. That's why human heart is called the second brain. It has memories, and our deepest memories are etched in heart, not in the brain. Heart is also a hormonal generator that regulate various bodily processes. Heart is directly connected to the various parts of the brain.
Goal-setting involves both brain and heart. If the goal is not deeply felt by the heart, then achievement will be less effective. When goals are understood properly by both the brain and the heart, the goal can be achieved in less time and with less effort.
Goals can be important or urgent. A simple 2x2 matrix will show how to organize and arrange goals. |
Outline of Lecture
This session will cover:
- Capabilities of the human brain.
- Introduction to Mind Manager Software.
- Advantages of visual thinking.
- How to accomplish more in less time without sacrificing quality.
- How to use Mind Manager in: Studying, planning, and executing, with illustrated situations.
- Situations: Studying a concept, Preparing for an interview, Planning a meeting or a function, Preparing a project, Understanding a complex phenomenon, Preparing an organization chart, and others